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A development log for the game and extended credits can be found at YAGS is a personal project by Bob Conway. If you are of legal age and can legally view adult materials in your area, you can download a free patch here that will enable uncensoring of nudity, as well as more explicit text, within the game. All nudity is censored, and sex is neither shown nor explicitly described. However, the game does feature strong language, adult situations, implied nudity, and implied (gay) sex. Parental discretion is advised.

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With luck, you might even find a boyfriend. You will interact with a cast of characters, each with their own personality and stories, as you navigate college life, develop friendships, play board games, and come out. Yearning: A Gay Story (YAGS for short) is a coming-out-focused character-driven slice-of-life visual novel with dating sim elements (phew) where you play as a gay man starting his freshman year of college at a generic university somewhere in the midwestern United States. Come out in college! Meet people, make friends, and maybe find a boyfriend?

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